Blakley & Adam’s Engagement Portrait in the French QuarterPost author:Michael CaswellPost published:November 10, 2017Post category:Engagement PortraitsPost comments:0 CommentsThis Atlanta couple was so much fun! Looking forward to their wedding next Spring, which will feature a ceremony on a chartered streetcar! Tags: french quarterRead more articles Previous PostStacey & Joe’s Engagement Portrait in the French Quarter Next PostSilvia & Jameson’s Engagement Portrait in the French Quarter You Might Also Like Shannon & John’s Engagement Portrait at Fontainebleau State Park December 1, 2022 Charlie’s Marriage Proposal to Mendy January 26, 2017 Marly & Jake’s Engagement Portrait in City Park July 4, 2021Leave a ReplyCommentEnter your name or username to commentEnter your email address to commentEnter your website URL (optional) Δ